I posted online about a client with low-budget graphic novel project seeking an artist who can do good sequential storytelling, sexy girls, and real-looking settings. I was surprised at how many artists submitted for it. Unfortunately, it showed me how many artists don’t follow my advice about portfolios no matter how much I post about it.
Let me share one such submission and response. This artist sent to me two links, no attachments, saying he’s interested in the graphic novel.
Here is my response:
Hi –
Your submission is a perfect example of what, in my blog and social media, I keep begging artists NOT to do.
You saw in the graphic novel post that the client wants an artist who can draw sexy females for a graphic novel – and that, of course, means sequential art. Yet instead of carefully assembling and sending a portfolio of panel-to-panel pages that showcase your best girl art and storytelling, you sent two generalized links.
Your first link opened to this –
– which showed NOTHING that the client needs to see. When we scroll further, it’s more of the same.
So I went to your second link, and saw this –
– once again, NOTHING resembling what the client needs to see. So I take a leap of faith and click on one of the lift-hand links, and I see –
Nope, that’s not it. So then I try the next link and get this –
By then, any client you submit to is giving up – not going any further.
The client knows by now that:
1.) You couldn’t be bothered to take the time to show samples that correspond to the project;
2.) You can’t do good storytelling or pages on the level he needs;
3.) You’d be difficult to work with because you can’t communicate the most basic stuff needed to get the job.
I hope this helps you in the future!