Comic colorist

Titan Comic
Dark Souls #2 to 4
Dark Souls Winter Spite #1 to 4
Dark Souls Legend 1&2
Dark Souls Tale of Embers
Quake Champion #1 to 4
Lemunia #3
Myth Division
Menagerie #1

Cover painter

Dark Souls #2 to 4
Dark Souls Winter Spite #1 to 4
Quake Champion #1 to 4
Judge Dredd Under Siege #1 to 4
Ninja-K #6,7 & 9


Wizard of the Coast, Duel Masters Trading Card Game

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We're currently crafting our artists' portfolio page! While we work on it, feel free to reach out to us using the form below to discuss your animation or design project. We'll provide you with a tailored quote that suits your creative needs. Stay tuned for updates!