Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
i was born on Belo Horizonte Brasil, and grew up on same place 🙂
How about your schooling? Had you gone under any art training?
i was on art school for a couple years but i misses the degree ,when i started to draw comics.
How long have you been working professionally in comics?
I been working with illustration since 1997 but i have my oficial debut on comics in 2003.
What things — both in art and otherwise — have you worked on, besides comics? Are comics a full-time gig for you or part-time?
i have a lot of work on advertising illustration and teaching on a rt school for almost 7 years , now i direct Big jack studios on brasil with my partner cris seixas and represent glasshouse graphics in brasil with vitor ishimura. ah i almost forgot i paint comics as well 😛
Talk about how you broke into the business –was it easy? Hard? Ups? Downs ? Any interesting anecdotes? When you held your first published work in your hands, how did you feel? i broke into bussines just like every thing in my life, i have a few tries on 1997-2000 and after this i take my time to teach and work with illustration , when in 2003 i has the oportunity to paint some jack kirby comics, it was a restauration job and i have to be uses the old comics as a guide , i made about a hundred pages in a couple months.after that i decided to dedicate my time to paint comic books
How did you settle on the style(s) you’re currently using? If you have multiple styles how did you develop them?
Every new job i have to do some color tests to adequate my style to pencilers draws , it’s pretty amazing when a new job starts , it’s like learn how to drive a bicicle again
How did your parents take to the idea of working in comics?
in the beginning they think i have a great hobby but when i start a illustration studio they saw how serious my hobby became
How would you describe your work space? Is it part of your home, or do you go “to the studio”?
I have my on studio on a nice big house with a pool on the back and a giant comic library(lots ands lots of reference)
and in my home i have a little room with my mac and a tablet for weekend work
What job are you the proudest of?
I think re-coloring jack kirby pages …
What are you currently coloring? Comments on that project?
i’m doing colors for 2 graphic novels for a best seller author ted dekker. i can’t tell you much ,cause it’s hasn’t published yet
Talk about your family: Parents, siblings, home situation.
I have a beautiful wife wich do some illustration work too , so she knews how’s the work’s flow
What projects do you hope to work on in the future?
Some spiderman colors
Where do you see yourself in five years? ten?
Doing my favorite stuff painting comics and taking care of my associates
What is the interest in comics where you live? Do friends and neighbors know you draw comics for a living? How do they react?
I have a lot of co-workers living nearby and sometimes we hangout to eat some pizza drink some beer and playing some videogames.Â
What’s 1 thing you’ll always find in your refrigerator?
Yogurt, cream cheese , cold water
What’s your favorite food?
strogonoff and chicken pizza
What are your favorite interests –Movies? Music? TV? Any hobbies? Sports?
comics for sure, video games tv series ,movies
Have you ever thought of writing your own stories?
back on time , i made a island full of people but them i saw lost…..
What’s an average day in your life like? Walk us through a typical day.
wake up 7 am , work at home until 9:30 arrive at studio 10 am, work, lunch them work again ,arrive at home at 8 pm and work some more until 9 .10 pm them hangout with my wife watch movies or something and go to bed at midnite
If you weren’t a comic-book artist today, what would you be?
a bum on the streets
The single thing you’d most like to be remembered for in your life is…?
he was a very good guy .
Any other tidbits of info about you that you are like to share?
Marvel Comics
marvel masterworks fantastic four 9
marvel masterworks rawhide kid
new mutants tradepaperback volume 2
excalibur tradepaperback volume 1
Girls of Marvel sketchcards
The complete Avengers sketchcards
DC Comics
DC Universe sketch cards
Dabel Brothers
Ptolus city by the spire
Circle Media
Black graphic novel
Red graphic novel
Foom Studios
Renegade graphic novel
Infidel graphic novel
Dynamic Entertainment
Warriors of Mars # 1-5
Pantha # 4
Green Hornet # 31
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